Real Simple Magazine Rebranding Project
This project was aimed to redesign and rebrand a magazine chosen by the student.
I chose Real Simple Magazine to design with the theme of minimalism,
I have felt that the Real Simple magazine has a lack of the design in minimalism.
Although the magazine has the name with 'simple', the magazine has contains loads of
information and images. I have tried to solve the problem by choosing photographs
and design elements that fit the theme. Mainly used shapes and lines for the design elements
and minimal typography.The background is more simple and clean so the readers can
focus on the photography and the text.
I was assigned to design the cover and logo design as well.
I have tried to keep the logo simple and more applicable to any layouts.
Placed the main photography in the middle of the cover overlapted with the logo.
(section spread)
(second spread- image based)
(third spread- text based)
(cover design and section spread mockup)